Profimedia, KCS Presse

TRES CHIC! Melania Trump u Dioru zadivila Pariz

Prva dama Amerike, Melania Trump, u Parizu će ostati svega 36 sati, ali zato se pobrinula ostaviti trajni dojam. Za početak, učinila je to crvenim kostimom s potpisom glasovite pariške kuće visoke mode, Dior

Nije Melania Trump u dogovoru sa svojim stilistom Hervéom Pierreom za službeni posjet Parizu slučajno odabrala Diorovo glasovito odijelo sa suknjom, legendarni model 'Bar'. Pierre je porijeklom Francuz i francuska mu je moda u srcu, a k tome lijepo je od prve dame, kad Francuzima dolazi u goste, poslati poruku da cijeni njihovu modu. I treće, upravo ove godine Dior slavi 70 godina postojanja.

Kako bilo, Melania Trump svoje je crveno odijelo, koje se sastoji od jakne naglašenih ramena i istaknutog struka, te blago zvonolike suknje koja seže do ispod koljena, doista nosila baš kako bi to sam Christian Dior volio vidjeti! Čak su i njezine štiklice bile crvene!

Inače, Hervé Pierre je u suradnji s Melanijom dizajnirao i haljinu koju je ona nosila na inauguraciji Donalda Trumpa, a odijevao je i druge prve dame, poput Hillary Clinton i Michelle Obame.

- Le president des Etat-Unis Donald Trump accompagne de sa femme Melania Trump descendent du Air Force One  a l'aeroport d'Orly. Paris, 13 juillet 2017 -

US President Donald Trump arrived in Paris on Thursday for a 24-hour visit. During a lightning visit full of pomp and ceremony, Trump will be the guest of honour at France's Bastille Day festivities after a trip to Napoleon's tomb and a Michelin-starred dinner at the Eiffel Tower.
Here with his wife Melania, Image: 341677455, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, MAXPPP
Profimedia, MAXPPP

- Le president des Etat-Unis Donald Trump accompagne de sa femme Melania Trump descendent du Air Force One  a l'aeroport d'Orly. Paris, 13 juillet 2017 -

US President Donald Trump arrived in Paris on Thursday for a 24-hour visit. During a lightning visit full of pomp and ceremony, Trump will be the guest of honour at France's Bastille Day festivities after a trip to Napoleon's tomb and a Michelin-starred dinner at the Eiffel Tower.
Here with his wife Melania, Image: 341677455, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, MAXPPP
Profimedia, MAXPPP

- Le president des Etat-Unis Donald Trump accompagne de sa femme Melania Trump descendent du Air Force One  a l'aeroport d'Orly. Paris, 13 juillet 2017 -

US President Donald Trump arrived in Paris on Thursday for a 24-hour visit. During a lightning visit full of pomp and ceremony, Trump will be the guest of honour at France's Bastille Day festivities after a trip to Napoleon's tomb and a Michelin-starred dinner at the Eiffel Tower.
Here with his wife Melania, Image: 341677450, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, MAXPPP
Profimedia, MAXPPP

Le 45eme President des Etats Unis d'Amérique Donald J Trump arrive a l'aeroport d'Orly avec son epouse Melania Trump a bord d'Air Force One. Paris, France le 13 Juillet 2017 45th president of the United States of America Donald J Trump and wife Melania Trump arrive in orly airport. Paris, France on July 13th 2017, Image: 341681920, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, KCS Presse
Profimedia, KCS Presse

20. travanj 2024 02:09