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na sprovodu njezine bake

Imamo novi zvjezdani par: Vezu su potvrdili na najtužniji dan

Novi dečko Gigi Hadid (24), jedne od najslavnijih manekenki na svijetu, bio je prvi put uz nju u javnosti no nažalost na najtužniji dan - sprovodu njezine bake u Nizozemskoj.

Ans van den Herik, baka slavne manekenke Gigi Hadid, preminula je u 79. godini nakon teške borbe s rakom te je pokopana u Nizozemskoj. Reality zvijezda TV emisije "Savršena nevjesta" odnosno novi dečko slavne ljepotice, Tyler Cameron (26), na sprovodu je cijelo vrijeme držao ruku oko ramena svoje Gigi, a i ona je njega držala oko struka.

Prva je to potvrda ljubavi ovog novog para, i iako je prigoda tužna, vidjelo su koliko su bliski i prisni te podrška jedno drugome.

Dua Lipa također je doletjela u Rotterdam kako bi podržala svog dečka Anwara Hadida, brata Gigi i jednako slavne sestre Belle (22). Bella je cijelo vrijeme bila uz sestru i brata i njihove partnere i očigledno još jednom potvrdila da je prekinula vezu s The Weekndom, budući da pjevač nije bio s njom.


The Funeral service for Ans van den Herik who is the grandmother of the Hadid family and the mother of Yolanda Hadid held in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 

In attendance we see the fashion models, Gigi, Bella and Anwar Hadid with Gigi with her new boyfriend Tyler Cameron and Anwar with his girlfriend the British singer Dua Lipa.

Yolanda Hadid was also spotted with her new man Joseph Jingoli as the family pay the respects to Ans van den Herik who sadly passed away due to cancer.

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Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 469321931, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN BELGIUM, FRANCE, GERMANY, NETHERLANDS, SPAIN, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid UK
Profimedia, Backgrid UK

Gigi je početkom ljeta prekinula vezu s pjevačem Zaynom Malikom, a već je se nekoliko puta moglo vidjeti u privatnom okruženju s Tylerom.


The Funeral service for Ans van den Herik who is the grandmother of the Hadid family and the mother of Yolanda Hadid held in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 

In attendance we see the fashion models, Gigi, Bella and Anwar Hadid with Gigi with her new boyfriend Tyler Cameron and Anwar with his girlfriend the British singer Dua Lipa.

Yolanda Hadid was also spotted with her new man Joseph Jingoli as the family pay the respects to Ans van den Herik who sadly passed away due to cancer.

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 469321945, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN BELGIUM, FRANCE, GERMANY, NETHERLANDS, SPAIN, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid UK
Profimedia, Backgrid UK

11. travanj 2024 19:54