Profimedia, AKM-GSI
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Najstarija biološka kći Angeline i Brada ima 12 godina i ne mari za stereotipe

Angelina Jolie i Brad Pitt imaju šestero klinaca u obitelji, od kojih su blizanci Knox i Vivienne te kći Shiloh njihova biološka djeca. Svjetski mediji budno prate njihovu Shiloh koja polako ulazi u tinejdžerske godine, a za koju njezini roditelji kažu da bi radije bila dječak

Dok se odvjetnici bivših supružnika Angeline Jolie i Brada Pitt na sudu nadmeću niskim udarcima i bolnim optužbama, slavna majka višečlane holivudske obitelji pokušava djeci osigurati što mirnije djetinjstvo.

Za vrijeme trajanja parnica u kojima na vidjelo izlazi prljavo rublje iz dugogodišnje veze poznatih glumaca, Angelina djeci pokušava odvratiti misli raznim aktivnostima pa je sve češće viđaju kako vodi mališane na zabavna druženja u interaktivne sobe u kojima se rješavaju zagonetke i u trgovine s igračkama.

U nedavnom shoppingu snimljena je s 10-godišnjim sinom Knoxom i 12-godišnjom Shiloh, koja je od malih nogu privlačila pažnju medija.

Los Feliz, CA  - *EXCLUSIVE*  - Actress Angelina Jolie was spotted doing some some shopping with Shiloh and Knox Jolie-Pitt at a few stores in Los Feliz. Knox seemed happy with a Nerf gun that he was spotted carrying out while Shiloh held on to bags filled with pet supplies. Angelina was recently ordered to return to the U.S. by judge in her divorce case. The actress and her ex Brad have been making headlines again with their divorce as they continue to work out an agreement relating to  custody and child support  of their six children.

Pictured: Shiloh Jolie-Pitt

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 382683002, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

Kad je imala samo tri godine, Brad Pitt je otkrio da njegova biološka kći više voli nositi mušku odjeću te da želi da ju članovi obitelji zovu - Jack.

Kako je odrastala, djevojčica nije krila da ne voli haljine i da se bolje osjeća u odijelima, hlačama i s kratkom kosom, što nije smetalo njezine slavne roditelje koji su ju oduvijek podržavali da bude svoja. Psihičko zdravlje i sreća njihove djece oduvijek su im bili na prvom mjestu, naglašavali su.

Los Feliz, CA  - *EXCLUSIVE*  - Actress Angelina Jolie was spotted doing some some shopping with Shiloh and Knox Jolie-Pitt at a few stores in Los Feliz. Knox seemed happy with a Nerf gun that he was spotted carrying out while Shiloh held on to bags filled with pet supplies. Angelina was recently ordered to return to the U.S. by judge in her divorce case. The actress and her ex Brad have been making headlines again with their divorce as they continue to work out an agreement relating to  custody and child support  of their six children.

Pictured: Shiloh Jolie-Pitt

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 382683584, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

"Shiloh se odijeva kao dječak. Želi biti dječak. Morali smo joj odrezati kosu. Misli da je dio muške ekipe u obitelji", izjavila je jednom Angelina Jolie, a prošle su godine medijima počele kružiti glasine da će Brad i Angelina dozvoliti svom djetetu da krene s hormonskim tretmanima kako bi se u budućnosti mogla podvrgnuti transformaciji.

Los Feliz, CA  - *EXCLUSIVE*  - Actress Angelina Jolie was spotted doing some some shopping with Shiloh and Knox Jolie-Pitt at a few stores in Los Feliz. Knox seemed happy with a Nerf gun that he was spotted carrying out while Shiloh held on to bags filled with pet supplies. Angelina was recently ordered to return to the U.S. by judge in her divorce case. The actress and her ex Brad have been making headlines again with their divorce as they continue to work out an agreement relating to  custody and child support  of their six children.

Pictured: Shiloh Jolie-Pitt

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 382684057, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

Ne čudi što se Shiloh najbolje slaže s mlađim bratom Knoxom s kojim je u dućanu s igračkama odabrala sve što im je potrebno za veselo ljeto, a s kojim dijeli i modni izričaj - široke udobne hlače, tenisice i prostrane majice s natpisima i aplikacijama dio su njihove svakodnevne 'uniforme'.

Los Feliz, CA  - *EXCLUSIVE*  - Actress Angelina Jolie was spotted doing some some shopping with Shiloh and Knox Jolie-Pitt at a few stores in Los Feliz. Knox seemed happy with a Nerf gun that he was spotted carrying out while Shiloh held on to bags filled with pet supplies. Angelina was recently ordered to return to the U.S. by judge in her divorce case. The actress and her ex Brad have been making headlines again with their divorce as they continue to work out an agreement relating to  custody and child support  of their six children.

Pictured: Knox Jolie-Pitt

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 382684006, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

Knox je iz dućana izašao ponosno držeći novu plastičnu Nerf pušku koja izbacuje loptice, a njegova je sestra u vrećicama ponijela ostatak igračaka kojima je veselo društvance počastila mama Angelina. 43-godišnja glumica ni usred ljeta ne skida se iz crnih hlača i kaputa koji su već postali njezin zaštitni znak pa je i za druženje s djecom odabrala te teške, zimske komade.

Los Feliz, CA  - *EXCLUSIVE*  - Actress Angelina Jolie was spotted doing some some shopping with Shiloh and Knox Jolie-Pitt at a few stores in Los Feliz. Knox seemed happy with a Nerf gun that he was spotted carrying out while Shiloh held on to bags filled with pet supplies. Angelina was recently ordered to return to the U.S. by judge in her divorce case. The actress and her ex Brad have been making headlines again with their divorce as they continue to work out an agreement relating to  custody and child support  of their six children.

Pictured: Angelina Jolie, Knox Jolie-Pitt

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 382682937, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

12-godišnja Shiloh nevjerojatno nalikuje svojim slavnim roditeljima, baš kao i preslatki blizanci Knox i Vivienne koji su od mame naslijedili pune usne, a od tate plave oči i plavu kosu.

Los Angeles, CA  - *EXCLUSIVE*  - Angelina Jolie takes Knox, Vivienne and Pax Thien Jolie-Pitt, along with their inseparable bodyguards, to 60OUT Escape Rooms in L.A for some fun on Wednesday afternoon. Jolie has returned to Los Angeles on judges orders so that ex Brad Pitt can see his children.

Pictured: Vivienne Marcheline Jolie-Pitt, Knox Leon Jolie-Pitt

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 382797550, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

Los Angeles, CA  - *EXCLUSIVE*  - Angelina Jolie takes Knox, Vivienne and Pax Thien Jolie-Pitt, along with their inseparable bodyguards, to 60OUT Escape Rooms in L.A for some fun on Wednesday afternoon. Jolie has returned to Los Angeles on judges orders so that ex Brad Pitt can see his children.

Pictured: Angelina Jolie, Vivienne Marcheline Jolie-Pitt, Knox Leon Jolie-Pitt

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 382797836, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

15. travanj 2024 20:04