Na službenom putovanju u Kanadu 2016. godine
 Profimedia, Allpix Press
ostavio je na cjedilu

Neobično za njih: Kako je princ William na jedan Božić svoju Kate ostavio u suzama

Poznato je da su princ William i Kate Middleton imali problema u vezi. Oboje studenti na škotskom sveučilištu St. Andrews, na kojem su upisali studije povijesti umjetnosti, više puta su prekidali i mirili se. Sve je počelo deset godina prije nego što su se 2011. vjenčali i iako im danas cvjetaju ruže, bilo je i prizora kad se plakalo.

Kate Middleton i princ William sa svojih će troje mališana, princem Georgeom, princezom Charlotte i princem Louisom, Božić provesti s kraljicom u Sandringhamu. Već se zna i da će kraljevski roditelji Georgea i Charlotte na sam dan Božića povesti na svetu misu, no princ Louis je još premali za ovu obiteljsku tradiciju i ostat će kod kuće. Inače, vojvode od Cambridgea ovih dana borave u svojoj rezidenciji u Anmer Hallu nedaleko od kraljičina doma u Sandringhamu i velika božićna okupljanja su uobičajena.

No, na počecima njihove romanse, William je Kate baš oko blagdana ostavio na cjedilu, točnije, u gorkim suzama kad joj je u zadnji trenutak rekao da se predomislio oko toga da će na te dane biti zajedno. Odbacio je sve njihove zajedničke planove i odlučio biti s obitelji, a Kate uopće ga nije mogla vidjeti sve do poslije Nove godine.

Kate Middleton's Sister Pippa And Her Party-Planning Career

3 years younger than her sister, Pippa Middleton's life has had parallels with that of her sibling, but those similarities are beginning to fade. 

Superficially the physical (in face and figure) similarities are striking, as are their senses of fashion. Both sisters attended Arts-based degree courses at Scottish universities: Kate graduated in 2005 with a 2:1 in History of Art at the University of St Andrews in Fife, while Pippa graduated with a degree in English from Edinburgh University.

At their respective institutions they both met and had relationships with young men of noble lineage: Kate famously became girlfriend to the potential future King of England, Prince William, while Pippa dated wealthy aristocratic heir 'JJ' Jardine Patterson.

After Pippa's graduation in June 2007, the two started living together but their paths differed. Although Kate's relationship with Prince William seemed to end after excessive media intrusion into their private lives, they were soon back together in 2008. Pippa, on the other hand, split from Patterson and remained single, due to his refusal to commit. However, speculation is currently rife that she is seeing Prince William's best friend Guy Pelly, leading her back into the close-knit connections of the Royal Family and the upper echelons of British high society.

The real difference comes in the sisters' differing approach to their careers. While Kate has spent the last four years since graduation in a variety of jobs (she recently left working in Kew as an accessories buyer for clothing label Jigsaw to concentrate on efforts to become a photographer), Pippa has knuckled down a year after finishing her education to work as a party organiser for Tab..., Image: 227871936, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, TEMP Rex Features
Profimedia, TEMP Rex Features
Kate i William 2008.

Kako je u knjizi “The Making of a Royal Romance” opisala Katie Nicholl koja piše kraljevsku biografiju, tek je 2006. godine, netom prije nego što je on diplomirao na Sandhurstu, Kate prvi put bila pozvana u Sandringham na tradicionalni božićni ručak. Bilo je to prvi put u povijesti da je pozvana nečija djevojka prije nego što je postala suprugom.

22. travanj 2024 01:21