Burberry revija

Kakav ponos! Sin i kći Cindy Crawford nosili reviju na London Fashion Weeku

Cindy Crawford jedna je od najslavnijih supermodela svih vremena koja je na vrhuncu slave bila devedesetih, no i danas, tridesetak godina kasnije, ima golemi razlog za ponos.

Njezina djeca, 16-godišnja kći Kaia i dvije godine stariji sin Presley Gerber baš poput majke osvajaju modni svijet. Ove su subote oboje nosili Burberry reviju tijekom London Fashion Weeka dok je mama Cindy Crawford ponosno pratila svaki njihov korak iz prvih redova. 'Ništa ne čini majku sretnijom nego kada vidi svoju djecu kako su jedno drugome najveća podrška', napisala je na svom Instagramu prije nekoliko dana 51-godišnja ljepotica koja u potpunosti podržava svoju djecu da slijede njezin put, baš kao i njihov otac, bivši model i poduzetnik Rande Gerber.

Presley and Kaia Gerber walk the runway for Burberry during the Spring/Summer 2018 London Fashion Week in London, England.
Pictured: Kaia Gerber
<B>Ref: SPL1578329  170917  </B><BR/>
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Newspictures / Splash News
Presley and Kaia Gerber walk the runway for Burberry during the Spring/Summer 2018 London Fashion Week in London, England.
Pictured: Presley Gerber
<B>Ref: SPL1578329  170917  </B><BR/>
Picture by: Newspictures / Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
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Newspictures / Splash News
Presley and Kaia Gerber walk the runway for Burberry during the Spring/Summer 2018 London Fashion Week in London, England.
Pictured: Presley Gerber
<B>Ref: SPL1578329  170917  </B><BR/>
Picture by: Newspictures / Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
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Newspictures / Splash News
Presley and Kaia Gerber walk the runway for Burberry during the Spring/Summer 2018 London Fashion Week in London, England.
Pictured: Kaia Gerber
<B>Ref: SPL1578329  170917  </B><BR/>
Picture by: Newspictures / Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
Los Angeles:	310-821-2666<BR/>
New York:	212-619-2666<BR/>
London:	870-934-2666<BR/>
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20. travanj 2024 11:44