Profimedia, Backgrid USA
To se zove suživot

Glumica ima novi život i drugo dijete, a na plac nedjeljom ide s bivšim suprugom

I dok se mnogi bivši supružnici nakon razvoda ne mogu smisliti, to nije slučaj sa umirovljenim igračem hokeja na ledu Mikeom Comrieom i glumicom Hilary Duff.

Mike Comrie (37) i Hilary Duff (31) razveli su se 2016. godine. 'Bile su mi samo 22 godine kad sam se udala, mislim da je to bilo prerano. Nismo bili dovoljno zreli da održimo brak. Nemam se potrebu ponovo udavati, učinila bih to jedino kad bi drugoj strani to bilo iznimno bitno', rekla je nakon razvoda slavna glumica. S Comriejem ima sina po imenu Luca, danas šestogodišnjaka.

No, ubrzo nakon razvoda dogodila joj se velika ljubav s pjevačem Matthewom Komom, s kojim danas ima kćerkicu Banks Violet kojoj su dva i pol mjeseca. O vjenčanju ne govori, ali često na društvenim mrežama pokazuje da je sretna.

Studio City, CA  - Hilary Duff and her ex husband Mike Comrie are seen together at the local farmers market on Sunday. The two seem to have fun as they share time with their son. Hilary shows off her new baby with friends.

Pictured: Hilary Duff

BACKGRID USA 13 JANUARY 2019, Image: 406929031, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid USA
Profimedia, Backgrid USA

Očekivali bismo da nedjeljom na tržnicu odlazi s novim izabranikom srca, s kojim se vraća kući kuhati, no ona se ovaj put pojavila s bivšim suprugom i oboje djece, dok Koma nije bio na vidiku.

Los Angeles, CA  - Hilary Duff spends Sunday afternoon at the Farmer's Market with her children and ex husband Mike Comrie. They pair amicably watch over their son Luca as he climbs a wall and Hilary shows off her baby girl Banks Violet to everyone, enjoying a snack while the kids play.

Pictured: Hilary Duff, Mike Comrie, Luca Comrie

BACKGRID USA 13 JANUARY 2019, Image: 406928383, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid USA
Profimedia, Backgrid USA

Nije u životu ove poznate mame danas sve sasvim bezbrižno. Prije nekoliko tjedana u očaju se obratila svojim pratiteljima na društvenim mrežama i zamolila ih za savjete oko kolika koje je ima i njezina beba. 'Zovem sve roditelje beba s kolikama... to prestaje, zar ne? Možete li ih ikad spustiti iz naručja, a da ne vrište ili se ne probude? Čitav smo internet pretražili i pročitali o tome sve što se pročitati može, ali ništa osim nošenje i ljuljuškanja bebe nama ne pomaže. Pa i kad se primiri to traje samo na sat vremena ili još i manje, a onda ispočetka. Doista, sve što se učiniti moglo, učinili smo. Molim vas, otkrijte nam neke magične trikove u komentarima...', napisala je očajna mama na svom Instagramu.

Los Angeles, CA  - Hilary Duff spends Sunday afternoon at the Farmer's Market with her children and ex husband Mike Comrie. They pair amicably watch over their son Luca as he climbs a wall and Hilary shows off her baby girl Banks Violet to everyone, enjoying a snack while the kids play.

Pictured: Hilary Duff, Banks Violet Bair

BACKGRID USA 13 JANUARY 2019, Image: 406928373, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid USA
Profimedia, Backgrid USA

S Mathewom Komom glumica je u vezi manje od dvije godine:

West Hollywood, CA  - Hilary Duff heads to the Grove with her family for their first photo together with Santa. A beaming Hilary and her partner Matthew Koma watched over her son Luca as he pushed the stroller with his newborn baby sister Banks Violet and they made their way to Santa's house.

Pictured: Hilary Duff, Matthew Koma

BACKGRID USA 15 DECEMBER 2018, Image: 402921896, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

Malibu, CA  - *EXCLUSIVE* **WEB MUST CALL FOR PRICING** Hilary Duff shows off her growing baby bump while on the beach in Malibu with boyfriend Matthew Koma. The couple head out for a walk holding hands and spent some time cuddling on the beach. Hilary announced she is expecting a baby girl with Koma in June whom she has reportedly been dating since 2017. The 30 year old former Disney star proudly displayed her growing bump in a green mismatched bikini. The couple are clearly enjoying the babymoon and could be seen sharing a sweet cuddle by the sea.

Pictured: Hilary Duff, Matthew Koma

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 382683771, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

14. travanj 2024 14:42