Samantha Lee / Splash News

Michelle Obama ostavlja bez teksta u bikiniju: 'Sve dugujem napornom vježbanju'

Bivša prva dama SAD-a nekoliko dana prije rođendana provela je sa starijom kćeri Malijom uživajući u sunčanom Miamiju i pokazala tijelo na kakvom bi joj pozavidjele i mnoge mlađe žene.

Michelle Obama, mnogima neprežaljena prva dama, provela je vikend u Miamiju sa starijom kćeri Malijom. Za sunčanu Floridu odbacila je komade kakve je nosila neposredno nakon izlaska iz Bijele kuće poput bluza Stelle McCartney, haljina kuće Preen ili malih crnih kreacija Cushnie et Ochs. Za odmor od nekoliko dana odabrala je mnogo opuštenije komade, među kojima su i it palazzo hlače kakve ove sezone slavne dame obožavaju. Zeleni komad već je nosila na putovanju u Italiju u svibnju prošle godine, ali ovog puta ih je kombinirala s topom u istoj boji i prozirnim plavim kardiganom te torbicom dizajnera Alexandera Wanga. Njezin stil još u vrijeme kada je bila prva dama hvalili su i modni kritičari i njezini obožavatelji, a ništa se nije promijenilo ni nakon što je iselila iz Bijele kuće. I dalje mnogi modnu inspiraciju pronalaze u njezinim kombinacijama, ali se još uvijek začude koliko je bivša prva dama opuštena.

Splash News
Na izlazu iz hotela u Miamiju

Pokazala je to još jednom na plaži i mnoge podsjetila na stil kakav je voljela i Jackie Kennedy, doduše na njezinu modernu verziju: bijele kratke traper hlače, otkopčana bijela košulja i bijeli bikini bili su njezin odabir za uživanje uz ocean, a sve je nadopunila maramom za glavu, okruglim naušnicama i crnim sunčanim naočalama.

EXCLUSIVE: **PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE RATES APPLY* ***NO WEB BEFORE 9AM EST JAN 15TH** Michelle Obama and her eldest daughter Malia were spotted on the beach and showed their fantastic figures in a rare sighting in swimsuits. The former first lady was wearing ripped white denim shorts with a see-through open white shirt over a white bikini tops, whereas Malia appeared to be wearing a black one-piece but covered up her top half with a hoodie as she walked off the beach holding a book and some shoes. It appeared to be a girl's day at the beach, with no sign of former president Barack Obama in sight. The pair were part of a large group that included plenty of secret service as they enjoyed a sunny winter's day on the sands of Miami Beach on Saturday. This time last year, Malia's younger sister Sasha made headlines when she created a scene as she hit the beach with Joe Bidden's daughter and other pals, along with Secret Service agents dressed in suits, on one of her last days as a first daughter. This time, the group were much more discreet. **PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE RATES APPLY**
Pictured: Michelle Obama, Malia Obama
<B>Ref: SPL1645933  140118   EXCLUSIVE</B><BR/>
Picture by: Samantha Lee / Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
Los Angeles:	310-821-2666<BR/>
New York:	212-619-2666<BR/>
London:	870-934-2666<BR/>
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Samantha Lee / Splash News
Michelle Obama sa starijom kćeri

Mnogi su ostali iznenađeni utegnutim tijelom Michelle Obame koja danas slavi 54. rođendan, ali bivša prva dama za takav je izgled naporno vježbala. Prije nekoliko godina priznala je američkom časopisu Woman's Health kako njezina linija nije stvar slučajnosti: "Da ne vježbam i ne hranim se pravilno bila bih puno krupnija, a i bila sam". Zbog toga se Michelle posvećuje vježbanju koje počinje svaki dan u 5:30 ujutro, a uključuje vježbe s utezima, preskakanje užeta, vježbe za nadlaktice i kickboks.

EXCLUSIVE: **PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE RATES APPLY* ***NO WEB BEFORE 9AM EST JAN 15TH** Michelle Obama and her eldest daughter Malia were spotted on the beach and showed their fantastic figures in a rare sighting in swimsuits. The former first lady was wearing ripped white denim shorts with a see-through open white shirt over a white bikini tops, whereas Malia appeared to be wearing a black one-piece but covered up her top half with a hoodie as she walked off the beach holding a book and some shoes. It appeared to be a girl's day at the beach, with no sign of former president Barack Obama in sight. The pair were part of a large group that included plenty of secret service as they enjoyed a sunny winter's day on the sands of Miami Beach on Saturday. This time last year, Malia's younger sister Sasha made headlines when she created a scene as she hit the beach with Joe Bidden's daughter and other pals, along with Secret Service agents dressed in suits, on one of her last days as a first daughter. This time, the group were much more discreet. **PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE RATES APPLY**
Pictured: Michelle Obama, Malia Obama
<B>Ref: SPL1645933  140118   EXCLUSIVE</B><BR/>
Picture by: Samantha Lee / Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
Los Angeles:	310-821-2666<BR/>
New York:	212-619-2666<BR/>
London:	870-934-2666<BR/>
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Samantha Lee / Splash News
Michelle Obama
EXCLUSIVE: **PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE RATES APPLY* ***NO WEB BEFORE 9AM EST JAN 15TH** Michelle Obama and her eldest daughter Malia were spotted on the beach and showed their fantastic figures in a rare sighting in swimsuits. The former first lady was wearing ripped white denim shorts with a see-through open white shirt over a white bikini tops, whereas Malia appeared to be wearing a black one-piece but covered up her top half with a hoodie as she walked off the beach holding a book and some shoes. It appeared to be a girl's day at the beach, with no sign of former president Barack Obama in sight. The pair were part of a large group that included plenty of secret service as they enjoyed a sunny winter's day on the sands of Miami Beach on Saturday. This time last year, Malia's younger sister Sasha made headlines when she created a scene as she hit the beach with Joe Bidden's daughter and other pals, along with Secret Service agents dressed in suits, on one of her last days as a first daughter. This time, the group were much more discreet. **PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE RATES APPLY**
Pictured: Michelle Obama, Malia Obama
<B>Ref: SPL1645933  140118   EXCLUSIVE</B><BR/>
Picture by: Samantha Lee / Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
Los Angeles:	310-821-2666<BR/>
New York:	212-619-2666<BR/>
London:	870-934-2666<BR/>
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Samantha Lee / Splash News

18. travanj 2024 03:37