Profimedia, Planet

Zavirili smo u raskošnu kuću koju slavna glumica prodaje za vrtoglavu cijenu

Slavna oskarovka prodaje svoju raskošnu kuću na plaži u Georgiji, na otoku Tybee kojoj bismo voljeli uživati, da si je možemo priuštiti.

Sandra Bullock (54) odlučila se riješiti kuće na plaži koju je kupila još 2001. godine. Tada ju je kupila za 1,49 milijuna dolara, a sada se na tržištu nalazi za nevjerojatnih 6,5 milijuna dolara, odnosno nešto više od 42 milijuna kuna.

Glumica je majka dvoje djece koje je posvojila - sina Louisa Barda i kćeri Laile. Djecu odgaja s partnerom Bryanom Randallom, a kuću je odlučila prodati jer djecu želi odgajati na zapadnoj obali pa na istočnoj obali više neće provoditi toliko vremena kao do sada. Fotografa je upoznala prije četiri godine, nakon što se razvela od sada bivšeg supruga Jessea Jamesa.


Sandra Bullock is looking to sell her two oceanfront homes on Tybee Island, Georgia for .5 million. The two houses sit on 2.75 acres, have 200-feet of beach frontage, with total of 7 bedrooms and 5.5 bathrooms. The larger residence measures 3,360 square feet, the smaller 2,848 square feet. She bought them between 2001-2002 for .5 million.

Pictured: Sandra Bullock's houses, Image: 422268504, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Planet
Profimedia, Planet

Raskošna kuća koju je odlučila prodati prostire se na 312.1542 metara kvadratnih, a uz veliko dvorište okruženo zelenilom, kuća ima teretanu, prostrani dnevni boravak i trijem s naslonjačima i visećom ležaljkom na kojoj je, vjerujemo, pravi užitak odmarati uz miris morskog povjetarca. Sretnik koji postane novi vlasnik doma slavne glumice uz nekretninu dobiva i većinu namještaja, osim nekoliko komada namještaja koji imaju sentimentalnu vrijednost.


Sandra Bullock is looking to sell her two oceanfront homes on Tybee Island, Georgia for .5 million. The two houses sit on 2.75 acres, have 200-feet of beach frontage, with total of 7 bedrooms and 5.5 bathrooms. The larger residence measures 3,360 square feet, the smaller 2,848 square feet. She bought them between 2001-2002 for .5 million.

Pictured: Sandra Bullock's houses, Image: 422268426, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Planet
Profimedia, Planet


Sandra Bullock is looking to sell her two oceanfront homes on Tybee Island, Georgia for .5 million. The two houses sit on 2.75 acres, have 200-feet of beach frontage, with total of 7 bedrooms and 5.5 bathrooms. The larger residence measures 3,360 square feet, the smaller 2,848 square feet. She bought them between 2001-2002 for .5 million.

Pictured: Sandra Bullock's houses, Image: 422268498, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Planet
Profimedia, Planet


Sandra Bullock is looking to sell her two oceanfront homes on Tybee Island, Georgia for .5 million. The two houses sit on 2.75 acres, have 200-feet of beach frontage, with total of 7 bedrooms and 5.5 bathrooms. The larger residence measures 3,360 square feet, the smaller 2,848 square feet. She bought them between 2001-2002 for .5 million.

Pictured: Sandra Bullock's houses, Image: 422268553, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Planet
Profimedia, Planet

Eksterijer i interijer imanja ostavlja puno prostora za sportske aktivnosti pa uz teretanu i stol za tenis dolazi i igralište za košarku, veliki bazen i privatan prilaz do plaže.

Kuća je uređena u rustikalnom stilu i karakteriziraju je bijele, pročišćene i neutralne nijanse s drvenim elementima poput podova i dekorativnih greda. Kuća ima četiri spavaće sobe, dnevni prostor s kaminom koji se proteže i na drugi kat kao galerija iz koje pogled 'puca' na ocean te prostranu blagovaonicu s puno prirodnog svjetla koje dolazi kroz velike prozore.


Sandra Bullock is looking to sell her two oceanfront homes on Tybee Island, Georgia for .5 million. The two houses sit on 2.75 acres, have 200-feet of beach frontage, with total of 7 bedrooms and 5.5 bathrooms. The larger residence measures 3,360 square feet, the smaller 2,848 square feet. She bought them between 2001-2002 for .5 million.

Pictured: Sandra Bullock's houses, Image: 422268531, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Planet
Profimedia, Planet


Sandra Bullock is looking to sell her two oceanfront homes on Tybee Island, Georgia for .5 million. The two houses sit on 2.75 acres, have 200-feet of beach frontage, with total of 7 bedrooms and 5.5 bathrooms. The larger residence measures 3,360 square feet, the smaller 2,848 square feet. She bought them between 2001-2002 for .5 million.

Pictured: Sandra Bullock's houses, Image: 422268536, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Planet
Profimedia, Planet


Sandra Bullock is looking to sell her two oceanfront homes on Tybee Island, Georgia for .5 million. The two houses sit on 2.75 acres, have 200-feet of beach frontage, with total of 7 bedrooms and 5.5 bathrooms. The larger residence measures 3,360 square feet, the smaller 2,848 square feet. She bought them between 2001-2002 for .5 million.

Pictured: Sandra Bullock's houses, Image: 422268413, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Planet
Profimedia, Planet


Sandra Bullock is looking to sell her two oceanfront homes on Tybee Island, Georgia for .5 million. The two houses sit on 2.75 acres, have 200-feet of beach frontage, with total of 7 bedrooms and 5.5 bathrooms. The larger residence measures 3,360 square feet, the smaller 2,848 square feet. She bought them between 2001-2002 for .5 million.

Pictured: Sandra Bullock's houses, Image: 422268404, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Planet
Profimedia, Planet


Sandra Bullock is looking to sell her two oceanfront homes on Tybee Island, Georgia for .5 million. The two houses sit on 2.75 acres, have 200-feet of beach frontage, with total of 7 bedrooms and 5.5 bathrooms. The larger residence measures 3,360 square feet, the smaller 2,848 square feet. She bought them between 2001-2002 for .5 million.

Pictured: Sandra Bullock's houses, Image: 422268433, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Planet
Profimedia, Planet

15. travanj 2024 03:28