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U 45. godini preminula zvijezda CSI-ja

Kolege, prijatelji i obitelj shrvani su naglom smrću glumice Lise Sheridan koja je preminula u ponedjeljak ujutro.

Kolege, prijatelji i obitelj shrvani su naglom smrću glumice Lise Sheridan koja je preminula u ponedjeljak ujutro.

Vijest o njezinoj smrti potvrdio je menadžer Mitch Clem koji je izjavio da je pronađena mrtva u svom domu u New Orleansu.

'Svi smo jako voljeli Lisu. Shrvani smo i tužni. Ovo je veliki gubitak... Umrla je u ponedjeljak ujutro, kod kuće, u svome stanu u New Orleansu. Čekamo izvješće mrtvozornika o uzroku smrti', izjavio je Clem i potvrdio da nije riječ o samoubojstvu. Mlada glumica najpoznatija je po ulogama u seriji 'CSI: New York' i filmu 'Halt and Catch Fire', a glumila je i u seriji 'Mentalist' i 'Dijagnoza ubojstvo'.

Porukom na Instagramu od nje se oprostio, između ostalih, i redatelj Michael Dunaway koji se s njom upoznao kad je imala samo 14 godina. Napisao je kako je posljednjih godina imala puno teških i tamnih trenutaka, no da su si međusobno uvijek bili potpora.

'Bila je predivna i talentirana glumica, divna prijateljica, no najviše od svega mogla je u sve unijeti pozitivnu energiju i život. Čak i dok je bila u mračnom razdoblju svog života, a posljednjih godina takvih je bilo puno... Sada me samo tješi saznanje da su borba, bol i tuga napokon iza nje.Volim te najviše na svijetu, oprosti što više ne mogu pisati, jednostavno me previše boli', dio je njegove objave.

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She called me Big Brother, and for all intents and purposes I was. I met Lisa when she was fourteen years old, over thirty years ago. We were immediately attached at the hip, true soulmates from minute one. For the rest of the days of her life, she was a central part of mine. She was beautiful, obviously, and an immensely talented actor, and a wonderful friend, but more than anything she really did radiate this impossibly bright energy and life. Even in her dark moments. And she had plenty of those, especially over the last few years. During these later years she took to telling me, "You're the greatest big brother a girl could ever have." It was how we ended each conversation. I treasured it then, and I treasure it even more now knowing I'll never hear it again, this side of the river. So good night, my sweet little sister. No one will ever again be to me what you were, and are. I'm trying to take comfort in knowing your struggles and pain and grief are "at last, and last behind you." I love you with all my heart, yesterday, today, and forever. Sorry that I can't write more; it's just still too painful.

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Glumica je bila zaručena za kolegu Rona Livingstonea (51) koji je poznat po ulozi u seriji 'Seks i grad', no par se nikada nije vjenčao. Od 2015. godine Lisa je radila na filmu 'Only God Can' s glumicom Donnom D'Erricom (51), a za to vrijeme su se zbližile i postale dobre prijateljice.

'Upravo sam saznala da je moja draga prijateljica, glumica Lisa Sheridan preminula. Sjedim zapanjena. Lisa i ja smo snimale film prije pet godina i jako se zbližile te ostale bliske prijateljice. Toliko je rijetko pronaći tako nježnu dušu u ovoj industriji, gradu... čak i svijetu. Zaista je bila jedna od najslađih i najnježnijih žena s kojima sam se susrela u životu', napisala je shrvana glumica.

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I just received news that my dear friend, actress Lisa Sheridan, has passed away. She was found Monday morning. I am sitting here stunned. Lisa and I filmed a movie together 5 years ago and became very close on set and remained close friends after filming ended. It’s so rare to find kind, gentle souls like hers in this industry, this city...even this world. Truly one of the most genuinely sweet and gentle people I’ve ever come across in my life. She brought a sweetness and bright energy to any room she happened to walk into...even in her darker times. I am devastated by this loss. I had just spoken with her and everything seemed great and she seemed happy and in good spirits. Everyone who knew her loved and adored her. Goodbye and goodnight sweet angel...I will miss you terribly. Please send up prayers for her family.

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26. travanj 2024 15:43