U serijalu o kojem se ove godine itekako pričalo igrala je glavnu ulogu, a upravo joj je ona donijela prvu nominaciju za jednu od najprestižnijih nagrada u svijetu filma.
Triler u kojem je Jessica Biel (35) po mnogima odigrala jednu od najboljih uloga u svojoj karijeri prepoznat je od strane Udruženje stranih dopisnika u Hollywoodu koje dodjeljuje nagradu Zlatni globus. Američka glumica u serijalu "The Sinner", adaptaciji istoimenog međunarodnog bestselera iz 1955. njemačke autorice krimića Petre Hammesfahr, glumi uz Billa Pullmana, ali osim glumačke, imala je i ulogu iza kamere - kao izvršna producentica. Iako se glumom bavi više od dva desetljeća, svoj šok i uzbuđenje zbog nominacije nije mogla sakriti, osobito jer je nominirana uz četiri oskarovke - Nicole Kidman, Jessicu Lange, Reese Witherspoon i Susan Sarandon.
- Moram biti iskrena, šokirana sam. Bilo je toliko odličnih projekata i nevjerojatnih glumaca da sam mislila kako nemam šanse – otkrila je Jessica Biel u intervjuu za Entertainment Weekly odmah nakon objave nominacija.
- Oduševljena sam. Ovaj projekt mi je jako važan i stvarno sam ponosna na njega. Ne znam što bih drugo rekla. Stvarno sam šokirana jer sam nominirana sa ženama kojima sam se divila i od kojih sam učila – izjavila je glumica i dodala kako joj je nominacija u njihovom društvu najveća čast te da joj je već i to, čak i ako ne osvoji Zlatni globus, ostvarenje sna.
Serijal "The Sinner" je uz nominaciju za najbolju glumicu nominiran i za najbolju mini seriju, ali je daleko od onih koji će dominirati dodjelom nagrada u siječnju iduće godine.
Najviše nominacija za 75. dodjelu Zlatnih globusa, čiji će domaćin biti Seth Meyers, dobila je mračna bajka "The Shape of Water" meksičkog redatelja Guillerma del Torra - čak njih sedam, među kojima je i ona za najbolju dramu. Jednu nominaciju manje dobio je političko-novinarski triler "The Post" Stevena Spielberga, a u kategoriji najbolje drame natječu se i ratni film "Dunkirk" Christophera Nolana, kriminalistički film "Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri" Martina McDonagha te drama "Call Me by Your Name" Luce Guadagnina.
Među nominiranima za najbolje glumce u dramskoj kategoriji su Daniel Day-Lewis, Tom Hanks, Gary Oldman i Denzel Washington. Za najbolje glumice u istoj kategoriji borit će se, među ostalima, Jessica Chastain, Frances McDormand i Meryl Streep.
Među nominiranima u glumačkim kategorijama u mjuziklu ili komedijama nalaze se i Steve Carell, James Franco i Hugh Jackman te Judi Dench, Helen Mirren i Emma Stone.
Zlatni globusi smatraju se najboljim pokazateljem uoči Oscara, a dobitnici će biti objavljeni 7. siječnja.
Best Picture – Drama:
“Call Me by Your Name”
“The Post”
“The Shape of Water”
“Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri”
Best Picture – Comedy or Musical:
“The Disaster Artist”
“Get Out”
“The Greatest Showman”
“I, Tonya”
“Lady Bird”
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture – Drama:
Timothée Chalamet, “Call Me by Your Name”
Daniel Day-Lewis, “Phantom Thread”
Tom Hanks, “The Post”
Gary Oldman, “Darkest Hour”
Denzel Washington, “Roman J. Israel, Esq.”
Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture – Drama:
Jessica Chastain, “Molly’s Game”
Sally Hawkins, “The Shape of Water”
Frances McDormand, “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri”
Meryl Streep, “The Post”
Michelle Williams, “All the Money in the World”
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy:
Steve Carell, “Battle of the Sexes”
Ansel Elgort, “Baby Driver”
James Franco, “The Disaster Artist”
Hugh Jackman, “The Greatest Showman”
Daniel Kaluuya, “Get Out”
Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy:
Judi Dench, “Victoria & Abdul”
Helen Mirren, “The Leisure Seeker”
Margot Robbie, “I, Tonya”
Saoirse Ronan, “Lady Bird”
Emma Stone, “Battle of the Sexes”
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture:
Willem Dafoe, “The Florida Project”
Armie Hammer, “Call Me by Your Name”
Richard Jenkins, “The Shape of Water”
Christopher Plummer, “All the Money in the World”
Sam Rockwell, “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri”
Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture:
Mary J. Blige, “Mudbound”
Hong Chau, “Downsizing”
Allison Janney, “I, Tonya”
Laurie Metcalf, “Lady Bird”
Octavia Spencer, “The Shape of Water”
Best Animated Film:
“The Boss Baby”
“The Breadwinner”
“Loving Vincent”
Best Director – Motion Picture:
Guillermo del Toro, “The Shape of Water”
Martin McDonagh, “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri”
Christopher Nolan, “Dunkirk”
Ridley Scott, “All The Money in the World”
Steven Spielberg, “The Post”
Best Screenplay – Motion Picture:
Guillermo Del Toro, Vanessa Taylor, “The Shape of Water”
Greta Gerwig, “Lady Bird”
Liz Hannah, Josh Singer, “The Post”
Martin McDonagh, “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri”
Aaron Sorkin, “Molly’s Game”
Best Original Score – Motion Picture:
“Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri”
“The Shape of Water”
“Phantom Thread”
“The Post”
Best Original Song – Motion Picture
“Home,” Ferdinand
“Mighty River,” Mudbound
“Remember Me,” Coco
“The Star,” The Star
“This Is Me,” The Greatest Showman
Best Motion Picture – Foreign Language
“A Fantastic Woman”
“First They Killed My Father”
“In the Fade”
“The Square”
Best Television Series – Drama:
“The Crown”
“Game of Thrones”
“The Handmaid’s Tale”
“Stranger Things”
“This is Us”
Best Television Series – Comedy:
“The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel”
“Master of None”
“Will & Grace”
Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series – Drama:
Jason Bateman, “Ozark”
Sterling K. Brown, “This is Us”
Freddie Highmore, “The Good Doctor”
Bob Odenkirk, “Better Call Saul”
Liev Schreiber, “Ray Donovan”
Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series – Drama:
Caitriona Balfe, “Outlander”
Claire Foy, “The Crown”
Maggie Gyllenhaal, “The Deuce”
Katherine Langford, “13 Reasons Why”
Elisabeth Moss, “The Handmaid’s Tale”
Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series – Musical or Comedy:
Anthony Anderson, “Black-ish”
Aziz Ansari, “Master of None”
Kevin Bacon, “I Love Dick”
William H. Macy, “Shameless”
Eric McCormack, “Will and Grace”
Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series – Musical or Comedy:
Pamela Adlon, “Better Things”
Alison Brie, “Glow”
Rachel Brosnahan, “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel”
Issa Rae, “Insecure”
Frankie Shaw, “SMILF”
Best Television Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television:
“Big Little Lies”
“Feud: Bette and Joan”
“The Sinner”
“Top of the Lake: China Girl”
Best Performance by an Actor in a Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television:
Robert De Niro, “The Wizard of Lies”
Jude Law, “The Young Pope”
Kyle MacLachlan, “Twin Peaks”
Ewan McGregor, “Fargo”
Geoffrey Rush, “Genius”
Best Performance by an Actress in a Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television:
Jessica Biel, “The Sinner”
Nicole Kidman, “Big Little Lies”
Jessica Lange, “Feud: Bette and Joan”
Susan Sarandon, “Feud: Bette and Joan”
Reese Witherspoon, “Big Little Lies”
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Series, Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television:
David Harbour, “Stranger Things”
Alfred Molina, “Feud”
Christian Slater, “Mr. Robot”
Alexander Skarsgard, “Big Little Lies”
David Thewlis, “Fargo”
Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Series, Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television:
Laura Dern, “Big Little Lies”
Ann Dowd, “The Handmaid’s Tale”
Chrissy Metz, “This is Us”
Michelle Pfeiffer, “The Wizard of Lies”
Shailene Woodley, “Big Little Lies”
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