Prošle godine paparazzi su uhvatili trenutak u kojem se slomio nasred ulice
 Profimedia, Mega Agency

Skrivao lice i suze: Justin Bieber se potpuno slomio - je li se zaletio s obećanjem?

Slavni pjevač toliko se uzrujao da svoje emocije nije mogao sakriti ni nasred ulice, ali mu je u pomoć priskočila njegova zaručnica i uspjela ga – nakon dugog tješenja - oraspoložiti.

Vožnja biciklima po Manhattanu nije prošla po planu za Justina Biebera (24) i Hailey Baldwin (21). Kanadski pjevač toliko se uzrujao za vrijeme vožnje, da je par naposljetku morao odložiti bicikle i o svemu porazgovarati sjedeći na kamenom zidiću. Ozbiljan razgovor potrajao je neko vrijeme u kojem je Justin većinom lice i suze skrivao rukama, dok ga je pribrana Hailey uporno tješila i naposljetku uspjela u tome.

EXCLUSIVE: Justin Bieber seemed visibly upset today as he and fiance, Hailey Baldwin rode Citibikes up the West Side of Manhattan. Hailey did her best to comfort Justin, and at one point their heads were touch for so long that it seemed as if the newly engaged couple might have been praying. Whatever it was, it seems to have worked because the pair eventually git back on their bikes and rode away with smiles on their faces.
07 Aug 2018, Image: 381512929, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

EXCLUSIVE: Justin Bieber seemed visibly upset today as he and fiance, Hailey Baldwin rode Citibikes up the West Side of Manhattan. Hailey did her best to comfort Justin, and at one point their heads were touch for so long that it seemed as if the newly engaged couple might have been praying. Whatever it was, it seems to have worked because the pair eventually git back on their bikes and rode away with smiles on their faces.
07 Aug 2018, Image: 381512916, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

EXCLUSIVE: Justin Bieber seemed visibly upset today as he and fiance, Hailey Baldwin rode Citibikes up the West Side of Manhattan. Hailey did her best to comfort Justin, and at one point their heads were touch for so long that it seemed as if the newly engaged couple might have been praying. Whatever it was, it seems to have worked because the pair eventually git back on their bikes and rode away with smiles on their faces.
07 Aug 2018, Image: 381512915, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency
Prošle godine paparazzi su uhvatili trenutak u kojem se slomio nasred ulice

EXCLUSIVE: Justin Bieber seemed visibly upset today as he and fiance, Hailey Baldwin rode Citibikes up the West Side of Manhattan. Hailey did her best to comfort Justin, and at one point their heads were touch for so long that it seemed as if the newly engaged couple might have been praying. Whatever it was, it seems to have worked because the pair eventually git back on their bikes and rode away with smiles on their faces.
07 Aug 2018, Image: 381512126, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

O situaciji koju su uhvatili paparazzi, Justin Bieber se još uvijek nije oglasio, ali se nagađa da mu je pritisak slave - osobito sada kada ga ponovno svi pojačano prate zbog vjenčanja - jednostavno postao previše.

Par se zaručio prije mjesec dana na Bahamima gdje je Justin svojoj budućoj supruzi darovao skupocjeni dijamantni prsten čija se vrijednost procjenjuje na pola milijuna dolara. Justin se čak držao i tradicije i prije zaruka pitao njezinog oca, glumca Stephena Baldwina, za ruku kćeri. Samo pet mjeseci nakon još jednog prekida s tinejdžerskom ljubavi Selenom Gomez, Justin je Hailey poručio da je upravo ona ljubav njegova života, a par već naveliko planira vjenčanje i ne želi duge zaruke.

25. travanj 2024 10:17