Profimedia, Mega Agency

Zabava u Disneylandu: Slavna glumica sinu pripremila proslavu za pamćenje

Da joj je najljepše kada je okružena svojom djecom još je jednom pokazala na proslavi rođendana svojeg sina kojeg je posvojila 2012. godine.

Da joj je najljepše kada je okružena svojom djecom još je jednom pokazala na proslavi rođendana svojeg sina kojeg je posvojila 2012. godine.

Južnoafrička glumica Charlize Theron (42) odlučila je proslaviti 6. rođendan svojeg Jacksona u zabavnom parku. Ponosna mama uživala je u Disneylandu sa slavljenikom i s dvogodišnjom August, koju je posvojila 2015., a da je malena obitelj itekako uživala vidi se na fotografijama.

EXCLUSIVE: Charlize Theron celebrates her son Jackson's Birthday at Disneyland . She was seen enjoying many of the rides around the park including the Golden Zephyr, where she and her son took selfies and were all smiles. she was joined by a group of friends and they all enjoyed many snacks including cotton candy and ice cream. Her two kids donned mickey ears and seemed to be having a great time.

***SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS*** Please pixelate children's faces before publication.***.
06 Jan 2018
Pictured: Charlize Theron, Jackson Theron and August Theron., Image: 359679797, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

Charlize je oboje posvojila kada su bili novorođenčad i sretna je što je odlučila postati majka tek u kasnim tridesetima. To što je samohrana majka, kako kaže, pomaže joj u borbi s anksioznošću jer zna da ima dvoje djece o kojima se mora brinuti, a osobito je sretna što su Jackson i August postali nerazdvojni.

EXCLUSIVE: Charlize Theron celebrates her son Jackson's Birthday at Disneyland . She was seen enjoying many of the rides around the park including the Golden Zephyr, where she and her son took selfies and were all smiles. she was joined by a group of friends and they all enjoyed many snacks including cotton candy and ice cream. Her two kids donned mickey ears and seemed to be having a great time.

***SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS*** Please pixelate children's faces before publication.***.
06 Jan 2018
Pictured: Charlize Theron, Jackson Theron and August Theron., Image: 359679791, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency
Charlize Theron u Disneylandu s Jacksonom i August

Slavna glumica našla se na meti kritičara jer se njezin sin već više od godinu dana odijeva kao djevojčica – često ga se može vidjeti kako šeće gradom u haljinama i suknjama, a voli i dugu kosu te nosi naušnice. Iako je većina kritizira, mnogi je podupiru – smatrajući da je to samo faza koja će proći, ali i - ako nije - da ga mora podržati ako se bolje osjeća kao djevojčica.

EXCLUSIVE: Charlize Theron celebrates her son Jackson's Birthday at Disneyland . She was seen enjoying many of the rides around the park including the Golden Zephyr, where she and her son took selfies and were all smiles. she was joined by a group of friends and they all enjoyed many snacks including cotton candy and ice cream. Her two kids donned mickey ears and seemed to be having a great time.

***SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS*** Please pixelate children's faces before publication.***.
06 Jan 2018
Pictured: Charlize Theron, Jackson Theron and August Theron., Image: 359678944, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

10. listopad 2024 00:50