
Raskošno vjenčanje Gwyneth Paltrow: U drugi brak 'uplovila' na luksuznom imanju koje je kupila s bivšim suprugom

Nakon jednogodišnjih zaruka, glumica Gwyneth Paltrow i glumac Brad Falchuk vjenčali su se u njezinoj vili u Hamptonsu na Long Islandu.

Nakon jednogodišnjih zaruka, glumica Gwyneth Paltrow i glumac Brad Falchuk vjenčali su se u njezinoj vili u Hamptonsu na Long Islandu.

Iako su mnogi sumnjali kako se par u tajnosti vjenčao još prije nekoliko mjeseci kada su imali veliki zaručnički party na kojem su slavili svoju ljubav, Gwyneth Paltrow (46) i njezin zaručnik, glumac i producent Brad Falchuk (47) tek su sinoć uplovili u bračnu luku. Na raskošnom imanju u Hamptonsu, gdje je ceremonija održana, viđena su brojna holivudska lica kao što su glumac Robert Downe JR, Jerry Seinfeld, Steven Spielberg i Cameron Diaz, ali svi su odmah primijetili kako njezinog bivšeg supruga nema. Naime, Gwyneth i glazbenik Chris Martin su nakon razvoda ostali u prijateljskim odnosima pa su mnogi očekivali da će i on biti u prvom redu na vjenčanju, ali frontmen benda Coldplay je umjesto toga bio na Global Citizen Festivalu.

Oskarovka Gwyneth Paltrow i njezin zaručnik vjenčali su se nakon četiri godine veze, a za svoje vjenčanje su se itekako isprsili. Fotografi su snimili na njezinom imanju snimili čak tri postavljena šatora – jedan za obred, jedan za slavlje i jedan za osoblje. Kuća u Hamptonsu bila je njezin odabir zbog velikog imanja okruženog zelenilom, a kupila ju je 2006. s bivšim suprugom Chrisom Martinom za 5,5 milijuna dolara. Iako joj ovo nije bilo prvo vjenčanje, neizmjerno mu se veselila jer s prvim suprugom nije organizirala veliko slavlje, već samo intimnu ceremoniju.

Hamptons, NY  - *EXCLUSIVE*  - Guests are seen arriving at Gwyneth Paltrow's wedding to Brad Falchuk in the Hamptons. Gwyneth's mom, Blythe Danner, as well as Jerry Seinfeld and wife Jessica were spotted among the celebrity guests that also included Robert Downey Jr, Steven Spielberg and Benji Madden. The wedding was held at pal Jerry Seinfeld's sprawling 12-acre East Hampton estate. 
Four members of a band were seen arriving to the property with string instruments and multiple tents were setup on the property to accommodate their many guests. Two long tables were set for abut 70 guests and decorated with floral arrangements and white taper candles. The band was setup in the same tent and a large green floral arrangement hung from the center of the tent. Another tent nearby was set up with multiple food stations.

Pictured: Gwyneth Paltrow and Brad Falchuk's Wedding

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 389109599, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

Hamptons, NY  - *EXCLUSIVE*  - Guests are seen arriving at Gwyneth Paltrow's wedding to Brad Falchuk in the Hamptons. Gwyneth's mom, Blythe Danner, as well as Jerry Seinfeld and wife Jessica were spotted among the celebrity guests that also included Robert Downey Jr, Steven Spielberg and Benji Madden. The wedding was held at pal Jerry Seinfeld's sprawling 12-acre East Hampton estate. 
Four members of a band were seen arriving to the property with string instruments and multiple tents were setup on the property to accommodate their many guests. Two long tables were set for abut 70 guests and decorated with floral arrangements and white taper candles. The band was setup in the same tent and a large green floral arrangement hung from the center of the tent. Another tent nearby was set up with multiple food stations.

Pictured: Gwyneth Paltrow and Brad Falchuk's Wedding

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 389109118, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

U brak oboje stižu s djecom: Gwyneth s bivšim suprugom ima 14-godišnju Apple i 12-godišnjeg Mosesa, a Brad ima sina Brodyja i kćer Isabellu s bivšom suprugom Suzanne Falchuk.

30. travanj 2024 00:36