Brad Pitt iznenadio je obožavatelje nehajnim izgledom.
 Wagner AZ / RAAK / BACKGRID / Backgrid USA / Profimedia
Nicole, nicole...

Nova djevojka Brada Pitta mlađa je od njega 29 godina, uspoređuju je s ruskom ljepoticom

Čini se kako fatalni glumac više nimalo ne tuguje za bivšom suprugom, glumicom Angelinom Jolie s kojom ima šestero djece. U zračnoj luci Paris-Le Bourget u Francuskoj snimljen je s Njemicom, manekenkom  Nicole Poturalski.

Čini se kako fatalni glumac više nimalo ne tuguje za bivšom suprugom, glumicom Angelinom Jolie s kojom ima šestero djece. U zračnoj luci Paris-Le Bourget u Francuskoj snimljen je s Njemicom, manekenkom  Nicole Poturalski.

Brojni paparazzo fotografi okupirali su u srijedu zračnu luku gdje se američki glumac Brad Pitt (56) pojavio s novom ljubavi, gotovo 30 godina mlađom njemačkom manekenkom Nicole Poturalski (27).

Castellet Airport, FRANCE  -   At 1PM, the American actor Brad Pitt was spotted with the German model Nicole Poturalski landing at the Castellet Airport via a private jet from Paris. 

Brad travelled alone by a regular plane from the US and joing Nicole in Paris to fly together to the South of France.

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BACKGRID / Backgrid UK / Profimedia
Privatni avion američkog glumca

Zračna luka udaljena je tek 48 kilometara od vile Château Miraval, koju je 2011. za vrtoglavih 67 milijuna dolara kupio s bivšom suprugom Angelinom Jolie (45). Provodili su ondje puno vremena, a društvo su mi redovito pravila i njihova djeca; Shiloh, Knox, Vivienne, Maddox, Pax i Zahara.

Brad Pitt has flown his new love interest, German fashion model Mary Nicole Poturalski, to his magnificent chateaux in the South of France. The pair flew in to Paris Charles de Gaulle airport from LAX on Wednesday, and then caught a private jet to Le Castellet Airport, 30 miles from Chateau Miraval, where they pictured. Little is known about the 5ft 9in beauty who is the latest girl to have captured Pitts heart. Pitt, 56, owns the chateau, which has its own winery, with ex-wife Angelina Jolie.They bought the chateaux and vineyard in 2008 for a reported  million, which as well as 35 rooms, consists of a spa, hot tub and an indoor pool. Pitt has not been photographed in public with Jolie since they split in 2016. They wed at the chateaux in 2014, in a private affair with their six children attending - including Maddox, 17, Pax, 15, Zahara, 14, Shiloh, 12, and 10-year-old Knox and Vivienne. Their last red carpet together was November 2015. But they still work together on their French wines. The couple already have a Miraval Cotes de Provence Rosé from Miraval. And they released a new rosé called The Studio as well.
26 Aug 2020
Brad Pitt and his new girl Mary Nicole Poturalski arrive at Le Castellet airport in South of France.,Image: 555108400, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ONLY Australia, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Model Release: no, Credit line: EliotPress / MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia
EliotPress / MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia
Brad Pitt s novom djevojkom Nicole snimljen u zračnoj luci u casual izdanju

Sada na imanju uživa s njemačkim modelom Nicole koja krasi rujansko izdanje časopisa Elle u Njemačkoj, a blistala je i na naslovnicama Cosmopolitana te magazina Marie Claire.

Plavooka ljepotica ima ugovor s agencijom Next Management u Los Angelesu i A Managementom u Njemačkoj, a navodno tečno govori čak pet svjetskih jezika. Tijekom karijere šetala je modnim pistama New Yorka, Pariza i Milana. Manekenku s adresom u Berlinu nisu zaobišle usporedbe s Angelininom sestrom, a mnoge podsjeća i na Ruskinju Irinu Shayk.

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13. siječanj 2025 10:46